Regardless of your approach to installing your landscaping, having a landscape design to work to, or to send to landscapers for quotes, is a huge advantage.  Some companies offer in-house Landscape Design Services, but many good landscapers don’t. Having a landscaping plan, that is to scale and includes a plant selection that not only is to your desire but also will thrive in your region, is imperative to success.

Hire The Muscle

LandscapersIf your budget allows, engaging a Landscaper is the quickest and easiest approach. Ensuring that your Landscape plan is comprehensive and includes everything you desire will enable you to approach three landscapers for quotes via email, streamlining the process. Landscaping plans ensure that each quote is comparable, with each Contractor quoting on exactly the same specifications. It is often the case that landscapers are incredibly good at the hardscape side of landscaping but lack knowledge around plant species. This can cause issues long-term with the wrong plants being used and unnecessary regular maintenance, making your garden hard work.

Save Money

The cost savings of installing your landscape design yourself are well known and with the right guidance and plan, there is no reason why, in most cases, 80 to 90% of your garden design can be installed by you. There are always components that will need to be contracted out like high retaining walls, large areas of paving & turf, concreting and in some cases garden edging. When it comes to, soil preparation, planting, mulching and small areas of turf or paving then these elements are achievable by most homeowners and often make up the large part of the labour component.

Establishing new gardens are easy with Ezyplant!With the glut of DIY videos available, you can find online guidance for most home improvements including landscaping. Preparing levels, installing the correct base for the product you’re installing, even how to plant a plant can all be found online, so DIY has never been easier. 

When it comes to DIY, having a comprehensive plan is key. Working with a Landscape Designer will ensure your property is designed to optimize the space you have available to you, whilst incorporating features and decorative elements that make your home a space you want to retreat and relax in.

Regardless of whether you have a small or large block there is often a lot to consider and getting it wrong can be very costly. Taking advantage of a Landscape Designers industry knowledge and connections, will save you time and money that you can use towards installing your dream garden.